Op-eds by Dave

Capt. Dave McCormick: A call for reviving patriotism through service

July 4, 2024 Washington Reporter Op-Eds

Growing up, I hardly ever imagined myself in the military. No one in my immediate family had served. Numerous veterans call Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania — the town in which I grew up — home, but no one from the area had been to a military academy in decades.  With hard work (and a little luck), I […]

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A Ships Act to secure America’s naval power

June 5, 2024 Washington Times Op-Eds

Eighty years ago today, on D-Day, the United States and its allies assembled one of the greatest armadas in history to liberate Europe from Nazi occupation. Now, as global tensions rise, America’s naval power is woefully unprepared to confront the threats of our time, most notably a rising, ambitious and aggressive China. The combined navies […]

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My Plan to Shake Up Washington

May 15, 2024 Real Clear Pennsylvania Op-Eds

Founding Father George Mason warned that the power of the United States Senate must be checked and balanced. The upper chamber of Congress, he said, would be like a “screw in mechanics, working its way by slow degrees, and . . . should ever be suspected of an encroaching tendency.” Sadly, many Pennsylvania voters today might use […]

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America must lead on cryptocurrency

March 26, 2024 Washington Examiner Op-Eds

Across my career at the intersection of national security and our economy, I have witnessed firsthand several game-changing technological revolutions. From GPS to the internet and from smartphones to artificial intelligence, our nation’s unmatched capacity to innovate has created unprecedented benefits for the economy and security.

Another wave is upon us: Blockchain and crypto offer America the chance to lead another generation of critical innovation, but policymakers must do their part, or this opportunity will slip away. If the Biden White House and Congress don’t provide the support and regulatory certainty this burgeoning industry requires, there is little doubt it will develop and thrive elsewhere.

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Whole Milk in Schools is a No-Brainer

March 17, 2024 Lancaster Farming Op-Eds

After Philadelphia native Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points in Hershey during an NBA game — a record that still hasn’t been topped — how did he celebrate? By chugging a carton of milk.

It’s an iconic photo and one of many sports moments involving dairy. Wilt, like so many other Pennsylvanians, grew up with a deep appreciation for the health benefits of milk.

Decades later, milk consumption has fallen dramatically. So where did all that enthusiasm for this classic American dairy product go?

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Helping Parents Experience the Miracle of Life

March 12, 2024 RealClear Pennsylvania Op-Eds

Winning my first wrestling match, graduating from West Point, my first day working in the White House: none of these special moments will ever come close to the joy of becoming a father.

Any parent can tell you that it’s a feeling unlike any other. 

My wife Dina and I are blessed to share six amazing daughters between us, and watching them grow into remarkable young women is truly an unparalleled joy.

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Dave McCormick: A Rescue Plan for American Energy and the Environment

March 7, 2024 Pittsburgh Post Gazette Op-Eds

The science is clear: climate change is happening, and human activity is one of many contributing factors. That should not be controversial. The key question is what to do about this reality.

There are two competing approaches to this challenge. One seeks to overhaul and constrain America’s energy industry from Washington in the name of fighting climate change. The other unleashes American energy production and innovation to power growth, create good jobs, and reduce our dependence on China, all while protecting the environment at the same time.

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Point: The President Must Fix the Border Problem

February 22, 2024 DC Journal Op-Eds

“Raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the border without documentation,” a moderator asked the Democratic presidential candidates at a 2019 primary debate.
When Joe Biden’s hand shot up, it was the first of many warning signs that Biden’s approach to immigration would be an unmitigated disaster.

Three years and 10 million illegal crossings later, President Biden’s failed leadership has allowed our southern border to spiral into a humanitarian, national security, and economic crisis of epic proportions.

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Bidenomics is Squeezing Americans from All Sides

January 31, 2024 Gettysburg Times Op-Eds

Joe Biden says, “what is clear is my economic plan is working,” but as I travel across Pennsylvania, I can’t find anyone, even Democrats, who believes that.

In recent weeks on the campaign trail, I’ve met a young woman who is a welder in Bedford County, a law enforcement officer in Somerset, and a third generation farmer in Cambria who works a second job during the day so he can farm his family homestead at night. They all said the same thing: Biden’s economy is not working for them.

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