Dave McCormick’s Day One Promises for Pennsylvania

Ideas and Leadership Matter — In this crucial moment, Washington is short on both.

Over the course of his campaign for United States Senate, Dave has laid out his Keystone Agenda to Reclaim America, outlining the most important challenges facing Pennsylvania and the nation and what we must do about them.

Here are 10 key priorities and actions that Dave will champion on Day One in the Senate.

  1. Reduce the cost of living for working families and those on fixed incomes by extending the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, eliminating taxes on tips, and maintaining the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction cap.
  1. Lower energy prices and create energy jobs by making America energy dominant, unleashing Pennsylvania’s oil and natural gas production, and streamlining permitting for production and LNG exporting.
  1. Secure the border by finishing the wall, bulking up the border patrol, and stopping the flow of fentanyl across the border with targeted military enforcement against the cartels.
  1. Rebuild our Military Power by making generational investments in defense infrastructure — like reconstituting the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard with good skilled jobs.
  1. Shake up Washington with term limits, making it easier to fire underperforming bureaucrats, moving key agencies like the Dept. of Energy outside of Washington, and banning members of Congress from insider trading, lobbying, or steering funding to family members.
  1. Counter China’s Rise by ending any U.S. investment or trade that supports the Chinese Communist Party or makes us more dependent on China, banning the CCP’s purchases of American land, stopping the illicit flow of fentanyl precursors, and protecting Americans’ data privacy and security.
  1. Combat the Rise of Liberal Extremism by eliminating all taxpayer-funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion, particularly in our military, and by making federal funding for U.S. universities contingent on stamping out antisemitism.
  1. Get Our Fiscal House in Order bypassing a balanced budget amendment while protecting social security and Medicare benefits.
  1. Support Families by expanding access to school choice, banning social media for kids under 16, providing tax credits for childcare and fertility treatments like IVF, and investing more resources for technical training and vocational skills.
  1. Get Tough on Crime by ensuring our law enforcement have the tools, funding, and legal protections they need to do their jobs and protect our communities.

Download Dave’s Ten “Day One” Promises for Pennsylvania here.